Showing that your business fosters an inclusive and diverse workplace will be key to making LGBTQI+ individuals feel comfortable and heard during your recruitment process. But how do you navigate this?

Here are our suggestions on how you can support the LGBTQI+ community in your recruitment process:

It starts internally

One of the best ways to support a diverse workforce is through providing awareness training within the company.

To start, provide an overview of LGBTQI+ terminology. Delve into the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals and discuss the importance of inclusion and creating a safe and respectful environment. Include common misconceptions and stereotypes that LGBTQI+ communities face.

Create a safe space

Emphasise the importance of creating a safe and inclusive learning environment during the training session. Encourage your teams to ask questions, share their perspectives, and engage in respectful dialogue. Furthermore, promote open-mindedness and discuss ways that your company can support and advocate for LGBTQI+ colleagues and community members.

Take extra care when writing your job postings

Use inclusive language in your job postings and throughout the recruitment process. Avoid gendered language, unnecessary gender-specific questions, or assumptions about gender identity or sexual orientation.

For example, provide options beyond the traditional male or female choices in the gender section. Allow candidates to self-identify or give them the option to not answer if they do not feel comfortable.

The interview stage

Now it’s time to structure your interview process. Firstly, interviewers should be trained to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Candidates should ultimately feel comfortable no matter who they are!

Focus on the purpose of the interview, so on job-related skills, qualifications, and experiences that will allow you to gauge if the candidate is suitable for your role.

Avoid asking questions that may discriminate or invade a candidate’s privacy based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. If the candidate’s personal relationships do become a point of conversation, use gender-neutral terms such as partner or spouse.


Respect a candidate’s preferred pronouns and use them consistently throughout the recruitment process.

Our number one piece of advice is to never assume someone’s pronouns. To take away any assumption, we recommend including an optional field for pronouns on application forms or starting the interview by confirming what the candidate’s pronouns are.

Highlight your company initiatives

Don’t shy away from sharing your values and policies that demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusion. Include any LGBTQI+ inclusive initiatives your company has undertaken, such as annual participation in Pride events or internal workshops.

If you have statistics on the diversity of your workforce, share them with candidates to demonstrate that your business values diversity and is actively working towards inclusion.

Let’s wrap things up

By implementing these steps, you can create an environment where LGBTQI+ candidates feel supported and encouraged to bring their whole selves to a job interview. Remember, fostering an inclusive workplace requires an ongoing commitment to education, awareness, and improvement at all levels of the business!